Anarchist positions on antisemitism, zionism and Israel

book presentation with Jürgen Mümken

„Many things were written about „antisemitism under leftists“, so one could believe, everything has been said. At the same time there are scientific gaps, i.e. concerning anarchists attitudes towards that topic. With the book, Jürgen Mümken and Siegbert Wolf present a summary of texts to kick off a debate about this question.

About their motivation they write:The book emerged out of our discontent about how anarchist movements set their priorities, when it comes to dealing with antisemitism in their own rows, seriously and on a long-term – except for individuals and very few groups.“

We want to take the book presentation as a starting point, to exchange perspectives and talk about the book content as well as the topic in general. Come over and be part of it on 21th August at Café Median.

The lecture will be in german. If you need translation, please write us an E-Mail, so we can try to make that possible.

Datum: 21/08/2024

Uhrzeit: 19:00

Ort: Café Median, Niklotstraße 5/6, 18057 Rostock