Political theory of anarchism. The paradox drive for autonomy, self-determination and self-organisation

Narration and conversation

How can anarchist thoughts be categorised? Which features and criteria belong to anarchist thoughts? Which use can we get out of anarchist ethics and organisation?

Theoretical engagement doesn’t only need to take place at universities and be exceptionally academic – although we need it to reflect, become strong and act purposeful.

The event is a personal report about the intense engagement with anarchist theory which resulted in writing a doctoral thesis and a book about it.

Jonathan has been giving events addressing these topics for several years as well as he’s been blogging about it on paradox-a.de. The book mentioned is available openly accessible here: https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-7183-4

The lecture will be in german. If you need translation, please write us an E-Mail, so we can try to make that possible.

Datum: 06/09/2024

Uhrzeit: 19:00

Ort: Café Median, Niklotstraße 5/6, 18057 Rostock